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A Letter to the girl who isn't enough

Dear sweet girl,

I pray you see your worth in the Lord. I pray you see how cherished and loved you are to Him. I want you to know that God listens to you. And I mean He really listens. He doesn’t halfway listen to you while scrolling through Instagram. You capture His full attention and nothing less. He cares what you have to say and He wants you to talk to Him. So talk to Him and talk to Him often. He is always listening. I want you to know that you are never an inconvenience to God. He doesn’t get annoyed with you, no He is patient with you. He loves you, flaws and all, and you should never question this. Although this world may make you feel as if you aren’t enough, God will never make you feel worthless. In His eyes you are enough, you are more than enough. God created your inmost being; He knit you together in your mother’s womb. Therefore praise Him, sweet girl, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made! [Psalm 139:13-14] You are worthy of His love and sweet grace. You are worthy of His time. You are enough. God will never step on you. He will never make you feel less than, inadequate, unloved, not beautiful. He encourages you, He loves you. You are beautiful, you are enough. Know that God will never leave you out. God doesn’t choose one person over another. He doesn’t decide when you are a convenience or not… He loves you regardless. He wants to spend every moment of every day with you. I pray you see this. I pray you see the ultimate friendship you have in the Lord. He will never leave you, He will never forsake you and He will never disappoint you. I also pray that God will surround you with friends who love as Jesus did. Who will accept you. Encourage you. Lift you up, instead of dragging you down. Help you see your worth and see that you are enough.

Love, Elizabeth Byrd

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